About Us

Pete Aronis is a Functional Patterns Practitioner along with almost 2 decades as a full-time coach/trainer. Recognized as one of the most knowledgeable, experienced and established in the Ottawa area. Pete has worked the spectrum of personal training, rehab, athletic development, and amateur boxing coach.


It is proven that boxing training is the most demanding training in the world. It requires you to have it all: strength, power, speed, explosiveness, stamina, endurance, agility, balance, coordination, resilience and mental strength.

Athletic Performance

Our mission is to give every young athlete the opportunity to reach his or her potential through a well-rounded training program, a program that will them improve their athleticism through biorhythmic and 3-dimensional movement.

About Us

Pete Aronis is a Functional Patterns Practitioner along with almost 2 decades as a full-time coach/trainer.

Recognized as one of the most knowledgeable, experienced and established in the Ottawa area. Pete has worked the spectrum of personal training, rehab, athletic development, and amateur boxing coach.

Coaching and training is my life.

Spartan Health is a private training facility by appointment only. Therefore you will not find any judgment or intimidation like at overcrowded commercial gyms.

We train people from all walks of life from 12-year athletes to 70-year-old seniors. We also provided free parking on the premises.

Training Philiosophy

Training is based around our human blueprint, taking it back to how humans moved. In today’s society with all the time we spend sitting, at desks, on computers or on cell phones we have forgotten how to move based on our human biology. Even those who go to the gym to better themselves unfortunately follow traditional strength protocols that do more harm than good in the long run.

We train the body as one integrated unit in all planes of movement in a biorhythmic fashion where the body and mind become one. The body and mind are not meant to work in separation. Nothing in the body works in isolation. With this philosophy, you will be able to achieve.

  • better posture
  • manage and eliminate pain
  • decompress joints
  • release stress and anxiety
  • neural/brain devolpoment
  • fat/weight loss
  • true functional strength based on human biomechanics

Boxing Fundamentals and Fitness Training

It is proven that boxing training is the most demanding training in the world. It requires you to have it all: strength, power, speed, explosiveness, stamina, endurance, agility, balance, coordination, resilience and mental strength. I really take a lot of pride in my boxing fundamental training. I believe anybody who wants to see the true value behind it would benefit more from private boxing training. This is why my boxing training is done 1 on 1, or in a small group, up to 6 people max.

  • Whether you are new to boxing and looking to get in shape;
  • Whether you are a fitness enthusiast looking to switch up their training routine or an athlete looking to train outside their sport;
  • Whether you are someone considering getting into amateur boxing or if you are an amateur boxer;
  • Whether you are someone who is currently involved in kickboxing MMA and would like to work with a real boxing coach to improve their boxing skill fundamental work.

Some of the benefits of training through boxing:

  • Strengthens and tones the body
  • Gives you better hand-eye coordination
  • Increases confidence
  • Relieves stress
  • A fun way to get in shape
  • Getting in tremendous shape while learning a skill set (the Sweet Science)
  • Burns up to 800 calories
  • Self defense
  • Increase cardiovascular fitness
  • Improve muscular endurance
  • Burns fat
  • Full body workout

My boxing technical work consists of:

  • Fundamentals
  • Footwork
  • Focus mitts
  • Fighting from angles
  • Attacking the body
  • Countering
  • Combinations
  • Heavy-bag training
  • Speed-bag training
  • Double-end bag training
  • In-close fighting
  • Fighting off the ropes
  • Cutting off the ring
  • Head movement
  • Learning to fight different opponents:
  • the Southpaw
  • the Pressure Fighter
  • the Brawler
  • the Technical Fighter
  • the Runner

Athletic Performance


Our mission is to give every young athlete the opportunity to reach his or her potential through a well-rounded training program, a program that will them improve their athleticism through biorhythmic and 3 dimensional movement. The best athletes are the ones that can move smoothly and fluidly at top speed. With this philosophy not only will they become better athletes but they will also become more resilient to injury. We also understand how stressful it is for a young athlete juggling their sport, training and school. We keep that in mind in creating our programs, where everything is calculated and nothing is overlooked. Last thing we want is for are athletes to fall in a state of overtraining, thats when injury increases and performance declines. There is no skill in crushing young athletes with repeated high intensity workouts, in fact that is quite novice.

Our athletic performance program training also provides

  • improve running/ sprinting mechanics
  • improve speed
  • improve acceleration/ first step quickness
  • learn to decellarate and absorb force
  • force development
  • become more explosive/powerful
  • become rhytmic/ cordinated
  • improve body awarness/ balance
  • improve change of direction
  • improve energy systems , cardio/ conditioning based upon sport

Let's Connect

We are here

We have unlimited free parking on our premises.

Questions? Email me today!

If you have any questions, fill out the form below and click submit. I will get back to you as soon as possible.